Let me start this post off by saying that I have an awesome boss. Last summer I thought that I was done putting together our early literacy kits as we ran out of grant money and they take time and money to put together. After our first four rounds of kits (here, here, here, and here), we had 24 kits on 15 themes and we could not keep them on the shelf. In December my boss asked if I would like $1250 to create more kits that we received through a donation. The glitch was that they had to get done by the beginning of March, which meant that this was my major January/February project. I also work with an awesome PR person who takes all of my knowledge and turns it into the fancy booklets that you will see attached. During the first week of March, we released an 15 additional kits on 4 new themes and we are still going strong in terms of circulation. Our funder wanted to see the kits in action so we ran our story times one day around parts from each of the new kits. Not one new kit was left in stock after story time as parents took them all home!
Kit 16-I Went Walking (Animals)
This kit contains:
- I Went Walking by Sue Williams
- What Do You Do with a Tail Like This? by Steve Jenkins and Robin Page
- Wee Sing Animals, Animals, Animals book and CD by Pamela Conn Beall
- I Went Walking puppet and props
- Booklet
Kit 17-Colors with Pete the Cat
This kit contains:

Kit 19-Lunch (Food)
- Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes by Eric Litwin
- Mix It Up! by Herve Tullet
- Pete the Cat Storytelling Kit
- Storytelling Lapboard
- Color Viewers
- Booklet
Kit 18-Cookie's Week (Days of the Week)
This kit contains:
- Cookie's Week by Cindy Ward
- Today is Monday by Eric Carle
- Folkmanis cat puppet
- Storytelling Lapboard
- Cookie's Week flannelboard
- Booklet
Kit 19-Lunch (Food)
This kit contains:
- Lunch by Denise Fleming
- Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert
- Storytelling Lapboard
- Lunch flannelboard
- Melissa and Doug Picture Bingo
- Counting Cookies by Learning Resources
- Booklet