
Friday, February 7, 2014

Flannel Friday-Brown Bear, Brown Bear

I was working on our upcoming early literacy kits again and wanted a flannelboard to go along with Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin, Jr.  While I could pay for one as there are a lot of neat ones out there,  it was really easy (and cheap!) for me to run felt through our die cut machine.  With a little bit of puffy paint, they were ready to go.  

 Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?

I see a black sheep, a gold fish, a green frog, a white dog, a purple cat, a blue horse, a yellow duck, and a red bird.

I like this option since we will be circulating these pieces along with the book and other props.  As we all know, once they are being checked out, it is inevitable that pieces will get lost or worn out.  This way I can easily replace them and not have to charge the patron.

Christine at Felt Board Ideas is hosting her first round-up this week!  For more information about Flannel Friday, check out the official blog.  For a visual representation of all that we do, check out our Pinterest page.


  1. This is great! 2 questions: What die cut machine do you have? and where did you get the outlines for the animals?

    1. We have an AccuCut die machine. The outlines for the animals are made on the machine with the following dies: Bear #3, Bird #7, Duck #3, Horse #1, Cat-Kitten #3, Dog, Frog #1, Fish #1, and Sheep #2. If you don't happen to have a die cut machine, then check with your intermediate school district. Our ISD has a Teacher's Workshop that anyone in the county can use, although it is marketed towards teachers. It has many die cut machines and dies and costs $3 for me to bring my own materials in to cut.
