
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Flannel Friday-Show and Tell

This has been one of those weeks where I haven't had time to sit down and come up with something original.  On the other hand, I have been doing a lot of flanneling, based on other people's past posts.  This week, I am going to do a show and tell.  Plus, I think that it highlights why Flannel Friday is awesome when planning programs.

I don't know how you do your planning, but our location runs 9 story times a week in 6-week sessions.  Out of those 9 story times, we need 4 different plans (school-age, music and movement, toddler/preschool, and baby).  My colleague and I decided at the beginning that we would like a break every so often so one of us plans an entire 6-week session, then the other of us plans the next.  It works well for us.  I am coming up on my turn for April and May.  We all know how much work goes into 1 story time-imagine coming up with 24 at once!

I don't know how many of you follow the ALSC blog, but if you missed Melissa's recent post on Evernote, you should check it out.  I started using it when planning this next session and am having great fun.  Plus, you can access it from anywhere-your desk at work, the reference desk, your ipad, etc. 

Garbage Story Time

Garbage Trucks from Read it Again!
(I added bags of garbage to the set)
Five Little Garbage Trucks from Read, Sarah, Read!

I still have plans to do the alphabet garbage from I Stink by Kate McMullan, but that hasn't happened yet.  I am envisioning the preschoolers putting the alphabet in order and having a garbage truck go down the line to collect it (also not original-got the idea from the MLA Conference).

Underwear Story Time

What Color is Bear's Underwear? from Read Rabbit Read
(I liked the look of the push pin that Sarah used.  To keep it similar, I used puffy paint to match the underwear for each day to give each day name the "pin look".)
Where, Oh Where, Has My Underwear Gone? from Read Rabbit Read
(I used every color in my flannel box so each child should end up with a
pair of underwear to put on the board.)
Ninja Story Time
I am still working on these, but the one that I got done is:
The Legend of Ninja Cowboy Bear from What Happens in Storytime
Pete the Cat Story Time
I have been waiting forever for this puppet to come out from MerryMakers.  My only complaint is that only one button pops off, but his jacket does unvelcro so you can see his belly button.  Pete is pretty cool.
Amanda at Trails and Tails is hosting this week's round-up.  Also, don't forget to raid the Flannel Friday Pinterest board when planning your next round of story times!


  1. I'm so glad that you're using Ninja, Cowboy, Bear! It's such a fun story.

  2. These are all so great, Lisa! Thanks for sharing! I too, am glad that you've selected Ninja Cowboy Bear :)
