
Friday, August 17, 2012

Flannel Friday-Let's Hear You Roar!

I saw this rhyme once upon a time and knew it would be perfect for story time.  It works well with animal or noisy-themed story times, or works as a good cool down activity to get kids ready to listen.

Let's hear you roar like a lion!
Let's see you jump like a frog.
Let's see you snap your jaws like a crocodile.
Let's hear you woof like a dog.
Pretend you're an elephant with a big, long trunk.
Pretend you're a monkey; let's see you jump, jump, jump.
And now you're a mouse.  Just let me see
How very, very quiet you can be.

The animals are all Microsoft clip art, cut and laminated.  I then used magnet tape (best invention ever!) so I could use them with our magnetboard.  As we do the rhyme, we have the kids act out the phrases.  2 year olds make great animal noises!
Mollie is hosting Flannel Friday this week at What Happens in Storytime.  For more great ideas, check out Flannel Friday on Pinterest or browse past round-ups at


  1. What a great rhyme! Definitely saving this for future use!

  2. Cute rhyme! It is definitely perfect for storytimes and making magnetic pieces for it makes it even better!

    Thanks for sharing this week,
    ~ K ~

  3. Ah! Cute! Did the kids like it? I would think they would love it!

  4. I love this rhyme! Thanks for sharing it.

  5. I use this rhyme in all my storytimes! I found it in Diane Briggs's Preschool Favorites.

    1. Excellent! I knew I got it from somewhere, but it was before I started writing those things down.
