
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tot Time-Babies & Doggies

While I don't normally share my story time plans, I really liked how this program turned out.  Our Tot Time program is for 12-24 months and we preregister 15 toddlers for a 5-week session. 

Opening Song: If You're Happy and You Know It from Songs for Wiggleworms

Book:  Naptime with Theo and Beau by Jessica Shyba

Scarf Rhyme:  Peek-a-Boo (to the tune of Are You Sleeping?)
Peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo 
I see you, I see you
I see your button nose
I see your tiny toes
Peek-a-boo, I see you!

--Written by Jim Thomas and found on What Happens in Storytime

Scarf Rhyme: Wave Your Scarf
Wave your scarf, one, two, three
Wave your scarf, just like me!
(Repeat with roll and throw)

-Adapted by Mollie from What Happens in StorytimeOriginally from Lapsit Services for the Very Young II by Linda L. Ernst. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc, 2001.

Scarf Rhyme: Roll Your Scarf
Roll your scarf and make it into a ball.
Make it very small. 
1, 2, 3, throw!

Book: I Kissed the Baby by Mary Murphy
For our middle book, we pass out a board book copy for every participant to follow along.

Action Rhyme: Here is the Beehive
Here is the beehive, but where are the bees?
Hidden away where nobody sees.
Watch and you'll see them come out of the hive.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, buzzzzz! 

Flannelboard Rhyme: Two Little Bluebirds
Two little bluebirds sitting on a hill.
One named Jack and one named Jill.
Fly away Jack. Fly away Jill.
Come back Jack. Come back Jill.
(Repeat with yellow, pink, and purple birds)

Book: Babies and Doggies by John Schindel and Molly Woodward

Depending on the day, we spend 5-10 minutes playing with bubbles.  I use a bubble stick to blow the bubbles and the toddlers pop them.  Many of my first time parents and caregivers are amazed by the bubble stick and are stopping by their local Target to pick up their own to use at home. 

We spend an additional 5-10 minutes playing with mini beach balls.   

Closing Song-Clean Up Song
Clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere.
Clean up, clean up, everybody does their share. 

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