
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Flannel Friday Round-Up

Welcome to this week's Flannel Friday round-up!  There are a lot of great ideas included that you will want to add to your TBM pile.  Enjoy!

Kathryn at Fun with Friends at Storytime brings us one of those hard story time topics to find ideas for-teeth!  There are multiple rhymes, a flannelboard, and a folder story.

Dana and Lindsey at Jbrary are having a pyjama party this week.  They have a song (with video) to go with their flannelboard.  (On a side note, if you are on Pinterest, you need to follow these gals.  They have a lot of great boards containing books to fit various themes, which is great when you are just starting to plan your programs.) 

You can never have too many monsters.  Mary at Miss Mary Liberry shows us how to make our own felt monsters.  I foresee a whole lot of monster making in our future.

For more monster fun, Kay at Storytime ABC's shows off her I'm a Little Monster.  In addition to being a fun monster song, Kay throws in some color recognition and enough dots for all of the kids to participate.

Are you looking for something a little bit creepy for Halloween?  Check out SLC Book Boy's version of Bone Soup.  His Finnigin has an expanding mouth to fit the story, which is really neat.  Plus, there is just something about those teeth...

You know when you see something really neat and wonder "Why didn't I ever think of that?"  That's the case with Tara's spiderweb.  I never thought that yarn sticks to flannel and would make a great spiderweb in a program.  You have to check it out at Storytime with Miss Tara and Friends. Plus, you will probably be hitting up the Halloween clearance sections like me to pick up some plastic spider rings after seeing her post.

Bridget at What is Bridget Reading? has been busy crocheting some really cute bears to add to her magnet board props.  Her work makes me want to learn to crochet.

Kristen at Let the Wild Rumpus Start shows off her Maisy the Weather Mouse.  This has so much potential!  In addition to using it for getting dressed or weather story times, you can dress Maisy in other things (hint-Halloween costumes).  Plus, with the big emphasis on STEM programming, this Maisy would be perfect for the preschool set.

Leah at Time for Storytime shows off her version of I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean by Kevin Sherry.  Her giant-sized whale really does look like it has swallowed all of the ocean animals.

That's all folks!  Have a great week.


Mark your calendars now for these upcoming Flannel Friday dates:
Connect with Flannel Friday in the following ways:
  • On the official Flannel Friday Blog. Here you will find all of our info, including schedules, links to all of our blogs, and past round-ups.
  • On the Flannel Friday Pinterest page.  This is a great resource when you are looking to add a little something extra to your story times.  
  • On the Flannel Friday Facebook page.  While we talk flannel stuff here, we hit a whole range of story time topics.
  • On Twitter.  Use the #flannelfriday hashtag to follow us.


  1. Here's my post for the week. It's a favorite of mine now!!

  2. Here's our Flannel Friday post- Pyjama Party! Thanks for hosting Lisa :) (Lindsey and Dana, the ladies @Jbrary!)

  3. I'm sharing a version of Bone Soup by Cambria Evans

    Thanks Lisa!

  4. Spiders!

  5. Here's mine 5 crocheted bear magnets:

  6. Hope I'm not too late! Here's our Flannel Friday!

  7. Thanks for hosting! Here's my version of I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean:

  8. Hi, Lisa! Thanks for being the Hostess with the Mostest this week!

    Here's my post for this week ~ hope I am not too late!

    Have a lovely weekend!
    ~ K ~
