
Friday, August 2, 2013

Flannel Friday-Squirrels!

We are starting to prep here for our fall story times and one of our themes will be squirrels.  To add a little fun to the program, I made squirrel finger puppets for this week's Flannel Friday post.

I really like how he turned out.  Mine is made out of felt and sewn together. You could also glue the edges and use puffy paint for the details.  The pattern is included here.  I just made 2 of them, but you could make 5 if you are doing some "5 little" rhymes.  Here are some rhymes you can do with 2 squirrels:

This little squirrel said,"Let's run and play."
This little squirrel said,"Let's hunt nuts today."
This little squirrel said,"Yes, nuts are good."
This little squirrel said,"Yes, they are our best food."
This little squirrel said,"Come climb a tree." 
 I just alternate back and forth with this one since we aren't actually counting.

I also like to redo "Two Little Blackbirds" to fit my themes.
Two little squirrels sitting on a hill.
One named Fred and one named Phil.
Run away Fred.  Run away Phil.
Come back Fred.  Come back Phil.

Kay at Storytime ABC's is hosting this week's Flannel Friday round-up.  Stop on by for some great ideas! 


  1. Cute squirrel, and I like how you re-purposed an old rhyme for it.

  2. I love squirrels. They are so cute and industrious! Do you use Nancy Tafuri's book, The Busy Little Squirrel and Ehlert's, Nuts to You? Thanks for the great idea and cute rhymes! Love the little squirrel fingerpuppet. I'd have to use glue and fabric sewing for me ;)

  3. Love your finger puppet pattern Lisa! I am doing a squirrel storytime with my kiddos in a couple of weeks so this will be perfect. I want to do the rhyme, "Two Little Squirrels" and wondered if two year olds would be able to act out the rhyme with popsicle stick puppets or if its better to simply use their fingers? What is your experience? Thanks!

    1. Developmentally, it is better for kids to use their fingers as it builds their finger strength. Unfortunately, most of my 2 year olds won't pay attention unless they have something shiny in front of them (like a puppet or stick puppet). I think it will depend on your group as to what you use. If you have kids who will easily sit and pay attention, then use fingers. If you need the "shiny", pull out the stick puppets. They are still getting the early literacy component by singing the rhyme.
