
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Flannel Friday-Five Little Polar Bears

I do a lot of work with 2 year olds, so I love anything that is a cumulative rhyme (counting ones work well with this).  They seem to follow along better and participate by shouting out what number we are on, which holds their attention.

Five Little Polar Bears

Five little polar bears, playing near the shore.
One tumbled in, and then there were four.

Four little polar bears swimming in the sea.
One chased a seal, and then there were three.

Three little polar bears, what shall we do?
One went swimming and then there were two.

Two little polar bears playing in the sun,
One took a nap and then there was one.

One little polar bear, not very old.
Where's my mom?  I’m hungry and cold.

To make your own polar bears like I did, I ran a bear AccuCut die through the machine with white felt.  I added googly eyes, because they are fun!

Today's bonus rhyme is Four Little Snowman.  We had such fun with it in story time today that I had to share.  The pictures are just laminated Microsoft Publisher clip art that are laminated.

Four Little Snowmen
Four little snowmen riding on a sled
One fell off and bumped his head.
Frosty called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more snowmen riding on that sled!"
(Continue in this fashion until you get to zero.)

The Flannel Friday round-up this week is hosted by Kay at Storytime ABC's (and it is her 100th post)!


  1. Haha, I just laughed out loud at the snowman one! So cute!

    1. Oh, my goodness! That snowmen rhyme is too funny! And I love the polar bear rhyme, too! I will be adding both to my Storytime Rhymes list. :o)

      Thanks for sharing this week!
      I pinned both rhymes.
      ~ K ~

  2. LOVE the bonus snowman rhyme -- how funny!

    I know I will be making both of these.

  3. Thank you for sharing both of these rhymes - I'm doing an Arctic Story Time tomorrow night & I just KNEW there was a polar bear fingerplay out there somewhere! If I have time I'll cut out the pieces for my flannel board. too. - Geri in WI

  4. I love the snowman rhyme...I am using it this week. Thanks for posting and inspiring ~ jane

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