
Friday, November 9, 2012

Flannel Friday-The Shirt Song

I was reminded of a great song for story time this week while sitting in a session at the Michigan Library Association Annual Conference.  This song works really well with smaller groups or sensory story times (I got the idea from a special needs story time webinar).

To start off, you will need a whole bunch of flannel shirts in different colors.  This is a great excuse to raid your scrap bins!  Ask the kids to come up and pick out their color shirt from the stack and add it to the flannelboard.  As they add it, sing the song below.

To the tune of Mary Wore a Red Shirt

Lisa wore a purple shirt,
Purple shirt, purple shirt.
Lisa wore a purple shirt
All day long.
The next verse would be whatever color shirt the next child picks out.  Since you are singing a song with names, it helps if the kids either wear nametags or if you introduce yourselves as they come in the room.  To give credit where credit is due, this song came to me via Barabara Klipper from The Ferguson Library.
This week's Flannel Friday round-up is hosted by Future Librarian Superhero.  Have a great week!


  1. I'm going to be doing this when I begin our Winter Storytimes!. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you for writing up such a detailed post- I have heard about this song in other sensory posts but it's really helpful for me to see how you do the whole process- I can't wait to try it!
