
Friday, August 31, 2012

Flannel Friday-Story Time Cape

This week for Flannel Friday I am going to show off one of my non-flannel creations.  Once upon a time, my coworker and I were at a conference and got a little slap happy as the afternoon went on.  We started joking about what we could make each other to use in story time-she was going to make me a hat and I was going to make her a cape.  Well, what started off as a joke ended up as a cool product.

I started off with a basic cape.  With Halloween approaching, you can buy one at a lot of Halloween stores (look for Little Red Riding Hood capes).  In my case, I had my mom make one because she sews and I do not.  Then came the creative part.  Since it was a story time cape, it needed stories on it (or at least characters that the kids would recognize).  For patterns, I found the various characters on the Internet, then would shrink them down or blow them up so they were all approximately the same size.  I used something called fat quarters, which can be found in the quilting section at JoAnn's or Michaels.  (If you watch your sales, you can get 4 for $1.)  I used the patterns to cut the various colors out of the fat quarter fabric, then used something called Pellon or fusible interfacing to iron the parts onto the cape.  To seal the edges, I outlined the characters in puffy paint.

Finished cape

I was impressed at how well the cape turned out.  I do ask Kara if she is going to wear the story time cape to her story times, but it doesn't happen often.  I also have not seen my story time hat.
Linda at Notes from the Story Room is hosting today's Flannel Friday round-up.  For more great flannelboards, check out the Flannel Friday Pinterest page.

1 comment:

  1. How adorable! I am very impressed with your puffy paint abilities. :o) And I love the characters that you chose for the cape! So cool!
