
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Flannel Friday Round-Up

I always enjoy hosting the Flannel Friday round-up as I get to see all of the neat things that my colleagues have come up with.  I end up with quite a few in the TBD (to be done) pile!  There are a alot of great contributions this week.

Loons and Quines brings us Piggy Wig and shows us the book that it came out of.  I love the illustrations of books from the 1800s and am always impressed when we can still use them today.

Sarah at Read Rabbit Read brings us Baa Baa Shape Sheep.  It is a great remake of Baa Baa Black Sheep that emphasizes circles, squares, and more.

Linda at Notes from the Story Room brings us an adaptation of the folktale The Fox and the Hedgehog.  It is something the the kids will love as it is quite funny.

Sharon at The Reading Chick brings us What Will It Rain by Jane Moncure.  This one can be pulled out for many fun story time topics, including animals, food, or rain.

It's time for the Campfire Pokey at Six Cranberries.  I love the ice cream!

The possibilities are endless with Katie's Harold's Other Crayons at Story Time Secrets.  Not only does she give us a great new song and flannel pieces, she tells us how to adapt it to other stories and themes.

Just in time for the first day of school, Lucy at In the Children's Room retells A Bus for Us.  This would also work great for any transportation story time theme.

Katie at Storytime Katie brings us Five Red Strawberries.  She also tells us about her puppet who pulls the pieces off the board (which the kids love)!

I bring you Hickory Dickory Dock to add to your nursery rhyme collections.  It is a great folder prop!

Senor Rattlesnake Learns to Fly at What Happens in Storytime.  Mollie brings us Miss Kelly's flannelboard rendition.  Thanks for joining in, Kelly!

Surprise!  Kay shows us her apple puppet with surprise inside at Storytime ABC's.  Can you guess what it is?  Rhymes and pattern will follow.

What a great week!  Visit the Flannel Friday Pinterest page to see all kinds of great flannel ideas, both past and present.  While you are there, check out the This Week board which will highlight all of the new posts.  For all things Flannel Friday, check out the offical Flannel Friday Blog.


  1. Hi Lisa, Here is my Piggie Wig post. I promise after this one, no more pigs for a while!

  2. Baa Baa Shape Sheep

  3. My contribution is yet another adapted folktale.

  4. My contribution should load automatically tomorrow morning some time....
    if it doesn't let me know...

  5. i hope this is not too late!

  6. Here's my post, "Harold's Other Crayons."

  7. Here's my take on A Bus for Us.

  8. Here's mine, Lisa:

    Thanks for hosting!

  9. A flannel made by one of my coworkers:

    Señor Rattlesnake Learns to Fly

  10. Hey, Lisa! I hope I am not too late for this week. When you read my post you'll understand what a frustrating time I have had. Well, not really because I didn't write it all out. Lol!

    Here is my post:

    Hope it works!

    Thanks for hosting this week. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    ~ K ~
